Saturday, December 16, 2006 - Sustainable connectivity for rural communities
Many of those involved with libraries in rural areas are very familiar with the challenges they face in establishing and maintaining basic internet connectivity (high-speed has not yet reached many rural areas). Those challenges are magnified in those areas of the world that lack not only internet connectivity, but reliable power and/or telephone service. Inveneo is a not-for-profit agency that seeks to provide sustainable, open, non-centralized ICT solutions for rural communities in developing nations. The systems they have created are "designed to provide computing, Internet Access and VoIP telephony for places with little or no access to electricity or affordable communications."
The work this organization is doing is really exciting. They have installed systems in Ghana, Haiti, Uganda. Rwanda and Mali. Go to the website to get more details on the open ICT systems they have created, as well as their current projects.
The work this organization is doing is really exciting. They have installed systems in Ghana, Haiti, Uganda. Rwanda and Mali. Go to the website to get more details on the open ICT systems they have created, as well as their current projects.
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